Monday, July 6, 2009

The global warming hoax started early

I found an article by Richard S. Lindzen, a scientist who has been following the concept of global warming, and the lack of its credibility.
Sometimes I'm tempted to think that only the most recent information is the most useful. This was written in 1992. I remember that as the "hole in the ozone" era. Although it's old, I think it applies to the global warming agenda.

Although it's a long, detail-filled piece (if I didn't read every bit of it, does that make me as bad as the current Congress?), I can see where he points out flaws in the global warming agument, based on scientific criteria.

Starting at the paragraph next to Figure 2, he points out that the global warming idea is based on computer models that predict the future of the climate. And those models were wrong as far as what changes had already taken place.

And the paragraph below it points out the models' inaccuracy where the region next to the equator is concerned. If the models were correct, .... well, I'll just let you see for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Common sense debunks the whole global warming myth(and by myth I mean lie). Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say global warming? I meant climate change. I believe that's what their calling it now that were cooling down. So muich fo Ted Dansons' expert opinion.
